
Experience and feedback from Powerinsole users::

Hello Powerinsole Team, I've been using the Powerinsole for a good 2 months now and at first I found it a little difficult to position it correctly. After looking at the website I found the assembly video which helped me a lot. Since then, everything has been sitting and fitting perfectly. As a self-employed masseuse, I stand for a good 8-12 hours every day and have problems with my back muscles. Hardenings and cramps are nothing unusual. I used the Powerinsole without any specific ideas and after about 14 days I could see less hardening at the end of the day and an even better concentration than before. Since then my state of exhaustion has decreased significantly.Andrea, 36 years

From my training experience, I would like to say that the Powerinsole means my pulse is 5-7 beats below the other values. It is difficult to measure whether the regeneration is accelerated, but my muscles are not sore, even after long units, e.g. 6 hours. I will definitely continue to use the Powerinsole.Alex


I use the power insole at work and during sports. The application video helped me a lot to find the right positioning and to optimize the wearing comfort. After the 3rd day I was able to perceive a significant increase in my energy, which I put back into my own regeneration and can pursue my activity a little longer.Albert, 39 years


I was so enthusiastic about the show and now I've had the Powerinsole since Wednesday and I'm so happy and almost pain-free!Ingrid Unterweger