Publizierte Studie: Verbesserte Zellregeneration und Wundheilung um 39,9% | Powerinsole

Published study:Improved cell regeneration and wound healing by 39.9%

In the von Dartsch Scientific Institute for Cell Biological Test Systems, headed by Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Peter C. Dartsch conducted a study using current cell biological test methods to investigate on the one hand whether the power insole is able to promote cell regenerative properties and on the other hand to compensate for an oversupply of endogenously formed radicals and thus prevent oxidative stress in the tissue. Such local oxidative stress in the tissue plays an important role, for example, in inflammatory reactions or cell regenerative processes after overload.e.

According to the questions answered, the power insole contributes to well-being. The test subjects found a subjective improvement not only with regard to various pains, but also in general well-being. Based on the results available, it can be assumed that the use of power insoles can lead to more well-being, higher concentration, less exhaustion and thus better performance and fewer sick days in the long term.

Microphotographic representation of the repopulation of a cell-free space by connective tissue fibroblasts, which had been incubated simultaneously with a power insole with an inactive chip A and a power insole with an active chip B for 36 hours. The beneficial effect on B can be clearly seen in a direct comparison.kennbar.

The untreated control was set equal to 100..

The individual measured values from three independent tests with 4 samples each are shown. It can be clearly seen that the inactive chip showed no effect compared to the untreated control, but the active chip showed a statistically significant inactivation of the endogenously formed radicals by about 24..

Powerinsole has clearly demonstrated its beneficial properties for inactivating endogenously formed radicals and thus for avoiding oxidative stress in the tissue and for improving cell regeneration.

It brings about a preventive and associated reduction in metabolic changes. Such changes are stress responses to physical trauma caused by exercise. The power insole counteracts this by improving performance and reducing oxidative stress.

That is, the power insole

  • can provide relief from joint problems
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces inflammation by an average of 24 times fasterb
  • improves regeneration after physical exertion
  • avoids oxidative stress in the tissue and thus contributes to the improvement of cell regeneration
  • improves cell regeneration / wound healing on average by 39.9%

In summary, the present results show that the power insole acts like an energy booster on a cellular level and can significantly contribute to reducing physical regeneration time, improving cell regeneration and wound healing, and maintaining general well-being.


The cell biological effectiveness of the Powerinsole is a further important proof in addition to the many other scientific confirmations of its mode of action.


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