Die Wirkung der Powerinsole | Powerinsole

The effect of the power insole

The heart of the power insole is the power chip

The function of our power chip is based on the principles of several researched and documented areas of biophysics as well as knowledge of energy medicine. After years of development, many tests and studies in human and veterinary medicine, we have succeeded in integrating the power chip into a gel pad, the power insole, to make it as easy as possible for you to use.

The way our power chip works is best comparable to a magnetic resonance application / stimulation. Information is uploaded to the power chip using a special process and passed on to the cells using our specially developed technology. This creates the energy fieldd the cells are positively influenced from the outside and the cells are stimulated to work more efficiently. There is a better blood flow, which increases the oxygen content in the cell tissue and increases the nutrient supply to the cells. This can cause an increased cell metabolism and thus strengthen the immune system and set in motion a faster healing process.


In order to achieve the best possible effects, it is important to wear the power insole as long as possible during the day, preferably all day..

The Powerinsole is designed so that it can be worn all dayn


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